Wednesday, February 22, 2023
AG's New Twins: Nicki and Isabel
Monday, February 20, 2023
Lucy and the Wardrobe
Saturday, February 18, 2023
I actually haven't seen Wednesday yet, but I love all the promo images that came out for it. Have you seen the show? I'm not sure why I've been putting it off; probably because I'm afraid it won't hold up to the hype. But Jenna Ortega seems like the *perfect* Wednesday, and her costuming is absolutely amazing.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Josefina Saves the Day
Monday, February 13, 2023
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Sneak Peek
I just found this blog again after not hopping on here for years. And loe and behold, I was still signed in?? So though I don't think anyone will see this, if there's a loyal blog reader out there who cares to see-- here's an unreleased photo of a shoot I've had in the works for years. Will be sharing on my instagram in the coming days. But until then... 🥰
(also, should I come back to the AG photo blogging world?? Blogger is 100% more user friendly than it was when I started this thing. I'm kinda thinking this could be fun. Like a private journal that is technically public but has no reach, so in theory, still private 😂)
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Bucket List Update 10 years later
Red marked by me as of today (Feb 9, 2023). I have new bucket lists now, but I didn't really want to adulterate this relic by messing with the actual Bucket List page. That would feel sacrilegious at this point. So in red is what I've been able to cross off this list in the last five years since I last logged on here. I still have plans to go camping (hopefully this June/July), and galloping on a horse should be #1 on the list. Maybe I can kick out two of these in one go and take horse riding lessons this summer, learn to gallop, and cross out "take a class I've always wanted..." That counts.
I think I wrote this list when I was 15. I wish I could hug her. I was so damn lonely. Things get better, little Syd. Promise. And hey, look! I'm still into dolls!
Bucket List
2. Ride a trolley
4. Sing with a Big Band (This should be #1)
8. Knit a chicken sweater (seriously)
9. Meet a famous actor (preferably one I like)
11. Camp in the woods (...)
12. Gallop on a horse (hair flowing back into the wind)
15. Finish NaNoWriMo
17. Ride in a horse-drawn sleigh
19. Sleep in a tree
24. Do something worth noticing (this is the most pretentious thing I've ever seen, but I know I wrote it when I was 15 and super lonely, so I'm cutting a girl some slack)
28. Own a hedgehog at some point in my life
29. Attend a bonfire
35. Take a class I've always wanted to take, but haven't had the time for
37. See Hamilton on Broadway
38. Visit Prince Edward Island